Ed Maxim
18th December 2023

Best call I've made for a long time

I first met Steve a few years back. Reasonably typical story, bought a puppy, thought it was going to be easy . . it wasn't. . ended up getting dragged on walked, after one particularly horrible walk got to the point 'enough is enough' help me google! found Breckland Dog Training, booked in for a 1:1 with Steve . . best session I've ever had, within 10 min Chester was walking to heal. Turns out it was me who was doing it all wrong, not the dog! Following the 1:1 Chester & I attended a series of group classes with Steve both the classes and the other dog owners really made the experience beneficial. We've since bought another dog (Arlo) and having learnt from our mistakes decided to do things properly this time, so have followed the placeboard training, attending weekly puppy classes, a few 1:1's to get Arlo to a standard I can take him on a shoot. Having watched Steve working his dogs 'in the real world' and hearing compliments from the 'guns', 'pickers' and 'brushers' about 'how well Steve's dogs perform, it is clear he does actually know what he's on about . . .although don't say I said that! I can honestly say if you want results, are prepared to actually listen to the instruction provided and do you 'homework' then Breckland Gundog Training are the right call.